Ami Blackwelder

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Ami Blackwelder enjoys writing novels and novellas with unexpected twists and original, but multi-layered plots. She is the author of the critically acclaimed original scifi dystopian saga SHIFTER EVOLUTIONS, comprised of Invasion of 2020, SCM of 2030, Shifters of 2040, Hybrids of 2050, Hunted of 2060.

     The Shifters of 2040 is now a short indie film to be released the summer of 2014. More here

The Shifters of 2040 reviewed by MidWest Reviews

When faced by another species that is fully sapient, the definition of humanity comes into question. "The Shifters of 2040" is another entry in a continuing series from Ami Blackwelder as she focuses on prejudice and racism in the bigger picture, as an alien species comes to earth for help and hybrids of humans and the alien species begin to appear. With a riveting debate blended into science fiction, "The Shifters of 2040" is an excellent read that shouldn't be overlooked by science fiction fans.

     Ami Blackwelder is also the author of the highly popular YA AngelFire Chronicles which includes: She Speaks to Angels, Falling Angels (coming), Angel Codes (coming)

     She has also written two tween/YA series'. A mermaid dystopia called the MERS CHRONICLES: Mers, and Ethan's Empire and and elf romance entitled GUARDIANS OF THE GATE: The Gate of Lake Forest, and Prisoners of Pride. 

     If you are into the undead, try her YA dystopia graphic novellas MIDNIGHT: Century of the Vampires (1-3)  and her upcoming MIDNIGHT: The Underground (4-6) or ZOMBIE HOUSEWIVES and ZOMBIE MODELS.

She also writes Dystopia and thrillers under Mia Black

She writes Historical and Contemporary under Rebecca May

